Our Approach
FInd our more about how we help those who need our services. We work with the following in mind:
Early Intervention
Trauma Informed Care
Person Centred Therapy
Change focused interventions
Relapse Prevention
We believe that early intervention is the key to prevent homes becoming a hazard to health. Often the client suffering from the Chronic Disorganisation or Hoarding Behaviours is unaware of their condition or the environment they are living in. This can be made worse when there are vulnerable adults or children living in the same property.
In the case of children under 18 there may be removal interventions by social services which only add to the trauma of the client.
T We work with a supportive multi agency approach across Northern Ireland. This means we liaise with the NI Housing Executive or the private Housing Associations, the Fire & Rescue Services, Social Workers, Environmental Health and Local Authorities to get a Tenancy Sustainment Package in place.
This type of intervention involves:
Psychotherapy for the Hoarder
Family Support work for all those affected by the hoarding
Decluttering of the property
Proper reorganisation of the property (including sourcing adequate storage and replacement for perished furnishings)
Reintroduction to the home
Hoarding Recovery College Courses in multiple health & wellbeing topics
Monthly Hoarding Support Group Zoom call
We work with the following principles of Trauma-Informed care:
We use a type of psychotherapy developed in the 1940s by Carl Rogers (a renowned Psychologist). It is a non-directive (no tasks or homework) approach to talk therapy. You will actively take the lead in our interactions, we merely act as your guide.
We will help steer you through a process of self-discovery so that you can understand why you are experiencing difficulties, to identify your triggers and to develop strategies that work for you, no one else.
We help you maximise your ability to cope with negative and positive emotions and find solutions and coping mechanisms.
There is no fixed agenda, there is no rush, we work through as many sessions as needed at your pace. We approach each session with empathy and non judgement.
No-one else knows how YOU are feeling, we are all individual and as a client you need to understand your own past, present and future.
Watch this short video to understand more about person-centred therapy:

An introduction to Person Centred Therapy - Carl Rogers
We will introduce you to The Transtheoretical Model or Stages of Change Model.
This helps you through 6 stages of change:
Relapse Prevention
We will also use Motivational Interviewing during our interactions, it is important you understand why we do this. Watch this short video to understand more about both the Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing.

Motivational Interviewing
Having engaged with us through initial therapy, and usually then a decluttering and reorganising of your home we are here to help you maintain the level of organisation. We continue to work with you to reduce the acquiring and continue discarding.
We have several after-care options which you can avail of:
Hoarding Practitioner visits.
This is where one of our trained Hoarding Practitioners and a Therapeutic Cleaner visit you every week / 2 weeks or 4 weeks. They work with you to continue the decluttering and tidying of the home.
They will use Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioural techniques to challenge you if they see rubbish or clutter starting to reappear in the home.
They will also gently encourage you to keep a cleaning and tidying regime that works for you.
Hoarding Recovery College Courses
We have a number of self-services online courses to help with recovery. You can study at your own pace and dip in / out of the courses as much as you wish to.
We cover practical strategies to reduce hoarding tendencies and maintain the home, continually working on decluttering PLUS other well-being topics such as Meditation and Exercise.
​Each of our Hoarding Recovery Path Stages have 10 Chapters:
A Trauma Informed Approach
Understanding your fears
Understanding attachment & barriers to discarding
Understanding the Stages of Change Model
Person Centred Planning
Goal Setting
The Power of Positive Affirmations
The Benefits of Meditation and Exercise
Continuing your journey
Current courses:
Hoarding Recovery Path - Stage 1 (Pre-Contemplation)​
​Introduction:​ OCD & Hoarding Disorder; Plyushkins Disorder, Symptoms & Diagnosis; Diogenes Syndrome; Can you be cured?
A Trauma informed approach: Understanding the past
Understanding your fears: Anxiety inducing actions
Understanding attachment & barriers to discarding: Items with meaning; Why hoarders hang onto objects
Understand the Stages of Change Model: The 6 Stages of Change Model; Stage 1- Pre-Contemplation; Explaining change to younger family members; Developing healthier habits; How you progress through the stages of change
Person Centred Planning: How to create a vision for your life
Goal Setting: 20 mins to design your future
The Power of Positive Affirmations: Confidence mantras
Benefits of Meditation and Exercise: The brain-changing benefits of exercise
Continuing your journey: ​Moving from Pre- Contemplation to Contemplation
Hoarding Recovery Path - Stage 2 (Contemplation)​
Introduction:​ Humanizing Hoarding; ​Exploring the complex bond between hoarder and their stuff; What hoarding really looks like and how to stop
A Trauma informed approach: The effect of Alcoholism, Depression, Domestic Violence, Degenerative or Debilitating Conditions, PTSD on hoarding​
Understanding your fears: Fear of change; Motivation and why you need it; Facing eviction or legal challenges​
Understanding attachment & barriers to discarding: Motivation towards decluttering​; Clutter in motion or stasis
Understand the Stages of Change Model: ​Stage 2 - Contemplation​
Person Centred Planning: Identifying your circle of support​
Goal Setting: Learn about SMART goals​
The Power of Positive Affirmations: Self Love, Self Esteem and Confidence​
Benefits of Meditation and Exercise: Benefits of exercise on mental health​
Continuing your journey: Moving from Contemplation to Preparation​
Hoarding Recovery Path - Stage 3 (Preparation)​
​Introduction:​ What to do if you're stuck in the past; 6 behaviours to improve your confidence​
Trauma informed approach: ​What is person centred therapy?; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Understanding your fears: Shopping Addiction; Compulsive Buying Disorder
Understanding attachment & barriers to discarding: 3 reasons we keep objects; 3 reasons for not discarding​
Understand the Stages of Change Model: Stage 3 - Preparation​
Person Centred Planning: Making Action Plans (MAPs)​
Goal Setting: 28 day Hoarding recovery journal challenge​
The Power of Positive Affirmations: Affirmations of a clean & orderly home​
Benefits of Meditation and Exercise: 10 steps to healing​
Continuing your journey: Moving from Preparation to Action​
Hoarding Recovery Path - Stage 4 (Action)​
A Trauma informed approach: What is Hoarding Therapy; Motivational Interviewing
Understanding your fears: Fear of items going to landfill, Fear of possibly needing the item in the future
Understanding attachment & barriers to discarding: Emotion based decluttering, Clutter paralysis
Understand the Stages of Change Model: Stage 4 - Action; Reflections on the 28 day challenge from Stage 3
Person Centred Planning: Planning an alternative tomorrow with hope (PATH)
Goal Setting: 12 Week De-cluttering Journal
The Power of Positive Affirmations: Positive affirmations to achieve goals
Benefits of Meditation and Exercise
Continuing your journey: From Action to Maintenance
Hoarding Recovery Path - Stage 5 (Maintenance) - COMING SOON​
5 Day Productivity Crash Course
​Self-Service, Self-Paced, access anytime courses
Monthly Online Hoarding Support Group
From 10am to 11am on the last Saturday of the month (UK time) we hold a Hoarding Support Group online via Zoom.
This is an informal group, not supervised therapy. It is a chance for people to chat and share experiences and ideas and you can contribute as much or as little as you wish.
We work from a 28 Day Personal Reflection Journal PDF which you we email you to print out at home.
To reserve your place and get the ZOOM meeting link you need to book in online HERE